Search the Archive

This is a trial search facility for those archive items that have been re-catalogued onto the Modes Compact database. To date only a portion of the archive has been re-catalogued and this process is ongoing. Data last updated 22 July 2024.

There are seven fields on which the search can be performed:

  • ArchiveID: the unique reference number of the item
  • Summary: a short description of the item – this is the best field to search on
  • PersonName: the primary individual  associated with the item (if there is one)
  • PlaceName: the primary place associated with the item (if there is one)
  • StartDate: if dates are available, the first/beginning date
  • EndDate: if dates are available for a period, the end date
  • ArchiveRef: where the item is in the archive (usually a box number)

The search is by free text only, case insensitive. Blank fields are omitted from the results.

If you require further details about any item(s) please contact us including details of the ArchiveID and ArchiveRef value(s) in your message.

Total Records Found: 4227, showing 10 per page
ArchiveID CHALH:2018.902
Summary photographs of old Eaglehurst Cottage (MIll Pond) John Robinson
ArchiveRef Box 44 original in Box 11a
ArchiveID CHALH:2018.905
Summary photographs of old Eaglehurst Cottage (MIll Pond)interior of cottage
ArchiveRef Box 11a
ArchiveID CHALH:2018.907
Summary photographs of old Eaglehurst Cottage (MIll Pond) outside of cottage, Stan Fishleigh
ArchiveRef Box 11a
ArchiveID CHALH:2018.1033
Summary newspaper advertisement for Miss Thirza Bennett piano teacher
PlaceName Gladyswood, Chagford
ArchiveRef box45
ArchiveID CHALH:2018.1032
Summary copies of wills of members of Berry family
StartDate 1825
EndDate 1849
ArchiveRef box45
ArchiveID CHALH:2018.1031
Summary Handwritten notes from Church Register and photo of Berry Family Tomb and notes on woollen mill original photo in box 11a
StartDate 1855
EndDate 1898
ArchiveRef Box 45
ArchiveID CHALH:2018.1030
Summary Berry family notes by Judith Cosford
ArchiveRef Box 45
ArchiveID CHALH:2018.1036
Summary bills from Bolt & Co
PlaceName Sandy Park Mill
StartDate 1918
ArchiveRef box45
ArchiveID CHALH:2018.1038
Summary LLoyds Bank indenture for Walter William Bolt
StartDate 14.10.1918
ArchiveRef box45
ArchiveID CHALH:2018.1043
Summary death certificate of Douglas Walter Bruce and letter to Dr. Rhodes from Dr. Murray
PlaceName Bristol
StartDate 1976
EndDate 1988
ArchiveRef Box 45