What is the Memory Bank?
The Chagford Memory Bank is a set of online forums where people can post their memories about life in Chagford and the surrounding area. These memories can be about the recent past or the distant past. We are interested in gathering lots of different perspectives on how Chagford has changed and continues to change.
The Memory Bank is organised into a series of strands or forums about different aspects of life in and about Chagford. Within each strand (or forum) it is possible to comment on an existing thread of posts about a topic OR create a new thread (topic).
The Memory Bank forums page is here or use the forums quick link below.
How do I contribute to the forums?
You need to register before you can contribute to the forums – please go to the registration page or use the register quick link below. You only need to register once.
Once you are registered you will need to login to use the forum. You can login from the forums page or the login page (Login or Forums quick links below).
What are the rules?
When using the site please be respectful of others – please be generous and kind in any comments, and also mindful of others’ right to privacy.
Why did it ask me to login twice?
Unfortunately when logging in you may be asked to log in twice, the second screen with a WordPress logo. This is a quirk of the system and does not mean the login details you provided were incorrect – just reuse the same details on the second screen (probably your browser will remember these). If you are not taken to the forums please navigate there using the menu by going to Memory Bank / Forums.
I’ve lost my password and/or forgotten my user name
Please go to the lost password page (or use the quick link below) – you’ll just need your email..
How do I add an image to my account?
When you are logged in go to the top right of the screen where you will see your user name. Click on your name and go to “Edit My Profile” and follow the instructions in the “Profile Picture” section.
Quick Links