Providence Methodist Chapel, Wonson, Programme of talks, talks start at 7.30.
All enquiries: providence1839 [at]
Saturday 16th July. Judy Moss. Throwleigh schools, Church v. Chapel.
Judy will reveal a sometimes humorous history of education in the parish before Providence school was established, and those behind the story.
Saturday 13th August. The Dartmoor shepherd. 1st Generation Shepherd, a fresh perspective.
Lewis Steer and Flora Searson will bring a new chapter of an old tradition to life and show how heritage issues are so important.
Saturday 27th August. Bill Murray. Growing up with Sir Winston.
A first-hand account of life connected to possibly Britain’s most famous Prime Minster.
Saturday 10th September. Emma Cunis. Ceremonial complexes on Dartmoor.
Emma will bring to life the numerous stone rows and circles across the moor which many see but know little about.
Saturday 17th September. Alan Endacott. Painting with light.
Alan will talk about the history of stained glass in our places of worship and demonstrate some of the techniques of its manufacture.
Saturday 29th October. Jon Lawrence. Revisiting memories of Dartmoor.
Jon will talk about some of the memories collected from Dartmoor folk and the history behind them.
Also see the exhibition of Chris Chapman’s exhibition: The Dartmoor Photographs, 1972 -2022.
Open at Providence Chapel on selected Saturdays, July – October 2022