
Would you like to help?

There are many ways that you can help with the work of developing the Chagford Archive and improving its visibility to the public. We still need to transfer almost half our holdings to our digital catalogue. This cataloguing work is vital not just for keeping track of our holdings, but also to make our holdings known to the wider public via this website. Full training is provided to would-be vounteers who work in pairs partly to help ensure accuracy, but also to make the activity more sociable. If you would like to join our small band of cataloguers please use the link below. Now that the Archive is open to pre-booked visits we are also keen to train more people to be able to faciliate access to our holdings as research assistants who will prepare materials for visitors and oversee their proper use. Again, full training will be provided. Both roles are good ways to get to know the Archive’s rich and varied collection.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer cataloguer or research assistant please contact the Archive here.